Monday, March 31, 2008

Wish List

In four days, the (ridiculous) cooldown on making Shadowcloth will finally allow me to create my Frozen Shadoweave Robe, the last piece in my Shadow's Embrace set. So my shoulders, chest and feet slots will be taken care of, once and for all. Now I only have to worry about my (1) head, (2) neck, (3) back, (4) wrists, (5) hands, (6) legs and (7) waist. (And fingers and trinkets, but geez, enough already.)

Head and Legs

For casters who are unlikely to see any raid content, seems like the head and legs are best clothed in either a Battlecast set or a Spellstrike set. I have read a few online debates as to each set's relative worth, but the obvious dilemma is: the Battlecast set has far (FAR) better stats while the Spellstrike set has: spell hit, more gem slots (which translate into more spell damage) and a significantly (at least, in my opinion) better set bonus.

Of course, another important consideration is that the Spellstrike set is made of Spellcloth, which is difficult, time-consuming and costly for a Shadoweave tailor like yours-truly to come by. I have a guild-mate who is a spellcloth tailor, but he's busy making his own epics now, so I'm unlikely to be able to get any spellcloth off him for a while yet.

So Battlecast is the winner for now, meaning I have to gather: 24 bolts of imbued netherweave (not so hard for a tailor/enchanter like myself), 16 Primal Mights (at about 80G each on my server's AH) and 2 Primal Nethers (miraculously already have them). ...oh yeah, and, uh, a tailor who can make them, or else I need to get really lucky on a Steamvaults or Botanica run.


Until anyone tells me differently, I believe the clear winner for warlock belt is Belt of Blasting, which will cost me: 4 bolts of imbued (laughably cheap), 15 primal fires (at 20G per on AH or farmable), and 2 Nether Vorteces (now, since 2.4, purchasable for 15 badges each = 30 total badges). Quite a few heroic runs in my future, then.


Have been eyeing the Runed Spellcuffs for their spell haste, which weigh in at a relatively cheap 35 badges. Did I say "cheap"? I meant "at least 7-9 heroic runs." Oh well, unlike a random drop, at least I'm guaranteed to get to this reward... eventually.

So I just have to find goals for hands, back and neck. And preferably items that don't require badges (or nether vorteces). Who knows: perhaps something will drop during these ~20 heroic runs I'm going to be doing over the next few months.


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note: Take a peek at the Vindicator's items which are obtained via PVP.

The season 3 bracers are only 11800 honor and 20 WSG tokens. (I know, barf WSG, but the item is really nice and has a socket)

Selix said...

Oh no, way to create another difficult decision! Significantly better stamina and a socket, versus +25 spell haste.

Spell haste is very, very sexy. Perhaps it's not that important to an affliction lock, though. I'll have to think about it.

Plus, no kidding: barf WSG. ;-)