I hit 70 in January 2008, and it was an attitude adjustment for me. Up until then, WoW had been fairly linear: go to an area, do quests, gain levels, then once you level high enough, go to a new area, repeat. Suddenly I was stranded out in Netherstorm with no more experience to earn, ever. (Well, until RotLK, obviously.)
I won't lie: I went through an identity crisis, and I drifted away from WoW for a bit. Because I couldn't figure out what the heck I was supposed to do. People advised me that at 70, PvP suddenly becomes the schizzle (I'm on a PvE server), but aside from the occasional BG when I'm in a cranky mood and want to torch some gnomes, I don't care for PvP all that much. At the rate of one BG every couple of weeks or so, was I ever going to save enough honor and marks to earn any worthwhile loot? Uh, no.
So, not knowing what else to do, I rolled a new toon, and then another, and drifted aimlessly around the Blood Elf starting area for a while. (And *gasp* I started doing stuff with my time other than WoW, like watching American Idol.)
But then: I finally leveled my Shadoweave tailoring up to 375, and made my Shadoweave set, and something about having those purple names sitting on my character screen made a light go off in my head, and I realized what my boyfriend had been trying to drill into my head all along, which was that at level 70, it's all about the gear.
And it's like what people tell you about finding religion: I suddenly had a renewed sense of hope and purpose. What is the point of the game after 70? Well, my friends, it's to gather 1337 lewts.
I have become so obsessed with the finding, studying, and drooling over said 1337 lewts, that I was compelled to start a blog about it. Mostly, to save my relationship, so that I can once again talk to my boo about romantic stuff (like, whether we're going to order Chinese or pizza for dinner tonight) rather than how many Heroics I'll have to run to save enough badges for Pantaloons of Arcane Annihilation.
After all, he doesn't care about my new-found obsession with +shadowdmg. He's an orc prot warrior.
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