Monday, March 31, 2008

I can haz enchants?

All very well to collect nice gear, but as an enchanter (a bitter, poverty-stricken enchanter), I'd darn well better actually get some benefit from pouring all my hard-earned cash into this profession, and fatten up the gear a bit, as well.

I've been lucky with drops recently and managed to score Spellpower for weapon, gloves and ring. Was hoping for Spellpower to bracers as well, but that only drops from Bloodmaul Geomancers, who seem to be the least populous ogre in all of Blade's Edge Mountains, and of course every other caster/enchanter on the server is also trying to farm them at the same time, so... might be a while for that. (In the meantime, I have stamina or intellect for bracers so I'm doing okay.) Need Thrallmar rep for the +stats to chest, but hopefully all these heroics I'll be doing for badges will make that easy. Scryers rep will eventually get me spellthread and inscription (of the orb) for pants and shoulders. Sha'tar rep required for Glyph of Power for head.

What really confuses me is what on earth to put on my cloak and my feet. There's nothing immediately obvious for casters. All that's really available for cloaks is agility, defense, or resistance (to all, or to one). There's spell penetration, but that only really matters for PvP, which I'm not concerned about. But then, there's Subtlety. Certainly interesting, expensive in Primal Shadows, would be particularly helpful when I'm soloing quests since I always manage to pull aggro off my voidwalker by owning too hard. Requires Exalted with Thrallmar, but heck, I'm grinding that rep for the chest enchant anyway.

Boots? Boar's Speed (speed and stamina) would be fun, but mostly because I get so bored ("boar'ed," haha) running slowly. Vitality (health & mana regen) would be vaguely useful. Apparently both recipes drop in random places so no point grinding for them, really. Or, I could find Fortitude (+12 stam) in the ManaTombs. Seems like luck is the only way to go with feet.

In sum:

Head: Glyph of Power, Revered with Sha'tar
Shoulders: Greater Inscription of the Orb, Exalted with Scryer
Chest: Exceptional Stats, Revered with Thrallmar
Back: Subtlety, Exalted with Thrallmar
Weapon: Spellpower (have it)
Gloves: Spellpower (have it)
Bracers: Spellpower if I ever have the patience to grind Bloodmaul Geomancers.
Ring: Spellpower (have it)
Boots: *shrug* whatever drops.

Guess I better start grinding those Hellfire heroics!

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